Life, Love, Liberty, Family, Freedom, Politics, Travel and the Occasional Mention of Technology.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Life's Beautiful Moments...
As many of you know I was in Washington, D.C. this past weekend for my 25th high school reunion. On Saturday afternoon I made my way down to Washington Harbor to meet one of my very best friends, Erik Todd Dellums. As I was walking along the waterfront I noticed a beautiful boat with many people having an incredible time. These folks all just happened to be African American.-As I walked by for the second time I decided to say hello and comment on mow much fun they were clearly having.-I said,"Hey, you guys look like your having an incredible time! Don't you need a token white boy on the boat just to even things out?!-They all seemed stunned for a second, but quickly said something to the effect of,"Get your butt on the boat!!-For the next 5 hours I had one of the best times of my life with a group of people I'd never crossed paths with before.-Now, I have just short of a dozen new friends.-The point of this story is simple: No matter how much politicians and special interests may try to divide us, good people will always find good people.-This diverse group welcomed me into a private birthday party for one of their close friends and treated me like they'd known me for a lifetime.-What an incredible moment in time I will not soon forget.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Unbridled Arrogance
The Republican Party has at its feet, one of the biggest opportunities before them in modern day political history. In spite of themselves and numerous out of touch party leaders, and because of a Democratic party in absolute disarray, the Republican party is poised for a landslide come November.
The apathy, and I think, genuine disgust at status quo politics has the potential to hurt any politician this election cycle with a (D) in front of his name. It will make no difference how much pork you've brought home to your state or district, or how many hands you shake, or babies you kiss, you might as well start packing your bags and looking for that cushy lobbyist job, because come November, your gonna to be out of a job.
You see, in 2008 the American people voted for hope and change, or at least that's what they thought they were voting for. In 2010 they've come to realize they were conned.-The biggest marketing fraud in American presidential election history was perpetrated upon them when many voted for Barack Obama. Now, the jig is up. Say what you will, say what you want, but the facts are very clear. In spite of what he said, Obama has been nothing but a divider, not a uniter. He has allowed Nancy Pelosi and her weak hearted minions to rape and pillage the economic livelihood of Americans.- This man's solution to everything is to spend more money. More good money after bad. Behind every act this president and congress have taken has been an ulterior motive based on arrogance, self centeredness, and 100% pure unadulterated partisanship. In short, one failed plan after another. To date, I've heard of only one democratic member that has the political balls to ask Pelosi to step down. This is the weakest group of individuals I've seen serving in the House of Representative in my lifetime. My father, the late Congressman Marvin Leath is most certainly rolling over in his grave.-To not vote this woman down as speaker is unconscionable. She is the cancer at the core of what's wrong with our political system.
I do not speak these words loosely or callously, with biased disdain for the Democratic party. I speak these words to any member of congress or elected official who refuses to stand up and do what's right for America. We've been cooking the books in this nation for far too long. Now, the time has come to right our ship that is America. She's taking on massive amounts of water and without change of epic proportion, she will surely sink. We can no longer mortgage future generations with massive debt and uncontrollable spending. We can no longer be the worlds policeman and never ending bank account that keeps on giving without anything in return.
Change never comes easy. It takes a strong individual to not become consumed with the unrelenting arrogance and inside the beltway mentality present in so many politicians today. It takes a deep, passionate love for this nation that cannot be embraced or understood by many of today's elected officials. After all, that is why we call it "Public Service". We must elect individuals that are willing to serve and do not have the desire to be career politicians, but politicians who are willing to contribute to sound fiscal and social policy.- Leaders that are not bound by the strings of special interest, and above all are unwilling to compromise when it comes to the values set fourth by the founders and spelled out in the constitution.
The political game playing must be over. Our politicians can no longer play Russian roulette with the livelihoods of the American people. Not being 100% truthful is no longer an option.-Reciting nothing but your parties talking points is no longer an option.-If you don't have the intelligence on your own, to create an inkling of prophetic vision for where this nation needs to go, find a new job, because the American people are poised to terminate you from this one very soon.
The apathy, and I think, genuine disgust at status quo politics has the potential to hurt any politician this election cycle with a (D) in front of his name. It will make no difference how much pork you've brought home to your state or district, or how many hands you shake, or babies you kiss, you might as well start packing your bags and looking for that cushy lobbyist job, because come November, your gonna to be out of a job.
You see, in 2008 the American people voted for hope and change, or at least that's what they thought they were voting for. In 2010 they've come to realize they were conned.-The biggest marketing fraud in American presidential election history was perpetrated upon them when many voted for Barack Obama. Now, the jig is up. Say what you will, say what you want, but the facts are very clear. In spite of what he said, Obama has been nothing but a divider, not a uniter. He has allowed Nancy Pelosi and her weak hearted minions to rape and pillage the economic livelihood of Americans.- This man's solution to everything is to spend more money. More good money after bad. Behind every act this president and congress have taken has been an ulterior motive based on arrogance, self centeredness, and 100% pure unadulterated partisanship. In short, one failed plan after another. To date, I've heard of only one democratic member that has the political balls to ask Pelosi to step down. This is the weakest group of individuals I've seen serving in the House of Representative in my lifetime. My father, the late Congressman Marvin Leath is most certainly rolling over in his grave.-To not vote this woman down as speaker is unconscionable. She is the cancer at the core of what's wrong with our political system.
I do not speak these words loosely or callously, with biased disdain for the Democratic party. I speak these words to any member of congress or elected official who refuses to stand up and do what's right for America. We've been cooking the books in this nation for far too long. Now, the time has come to right our ship that is America. She's taking on massive amounts of water and without change of epic proportion, she will surely sink. We can no longer mortgage future generations with massive debt and uncontrollable spending. We can no longer be the worlds policeman and never ending bank account that keeps on giving without anything in return.
Change never comes easy. It takes a strong individual to not become consumed with the unrelenting arrogance and inside the beltway mentality present in so many politicians today. It takes a deep, passionate love for this nation that cannot be embraced or understood by many of today's elected officials. After all, that is why we call it "Public Service". We must elect individuals that are willing to serve and do not have the desire to be career politicians, but politicians who are willing to contribute to sound fiscal and social policy.- Leaders that are not bound by the strings of special interest, and above all are unwilling to compromise when it comes to the values set fourth by the founders and spelled out in the constitution.
The political game playing must be over. Our politicians can no longer play Russian roulette with the livelihoods of the American people. Not being 100% truthful is no longer an option.-Reciting nothing but your parties talking points is no longer an option.-If you don't have the intelligence on your own, to create an inkling of prophetic vision for where this nation needs to go, find a new job, because the American people are poised to terminate you from this one very soon.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Blackberry Torch Burns Weak
I should have realized early on that if AT&T had something to do with with the development of the Blackberry Torch (9800) it was destined to be fatally flawed.-The folks at AT&T you see, could screw up a one car funeral.-I spent 28 days with the new Blackberry and although there were moments of brilliance, for the most part the phone bombs, big!
Rumor has it the Torch was in development for three years, which impacts the fact that the phone is so bad, much, much more. It's been no secret that OS 6 has been in development for several years. Since that's the case, why would RIM release it with more bugs than the first generation iPhone?!-This phone had the potential to be great, but instead it's guaranteed to frustrate you more and more with each passing day. Not fixed are the persistent tower switching issues that started with the introduction of the 3G Bold. This was the first incredibly annoying problem that caused me to switch phone loyalties in the first place. In layman's terms the phone can't make up its mind whether it wants to grab hold of a 3G cell or an EDGE cell, thus causing dropped calls for the consumer.-The iPhone at one point had this problem, but was fixed with one brief software update.-No such luck with the Torch.-Several years later and this simple problem of telling the phone which type of tower to prefer is still not fixed.-What a load of crap!
With each passing day the phone seemed to become slower and slower, with more faults being revealed. Every time I took the phone out of standby it would take as long as five seconds for me to be able to navigate to where I wanted to go. It was as if the phone locked up. I began to find myself powering the phone off and on more often, and even taking the battery out to try and fix the problem. To no avail, my hopes of once again becoming a loyal Blackberry user were not meant to be. I'm appalled and offended that RIM and AT&T would think for a second that this phone, with all it's giant flaws and imperfections, would fool anybody! Common sense would dictate that if the software your using is so archaic that it's not capable of evolving to where it needs be in the future you might consider finding a new software platform to operate your phone.-Android comes to mind.-It's not quite there yet, but in a year or so it will be.
The last issue I'm going to discuss, the one that really burns me up, is the fact that RIM, knowing they were coming out with a major software upgrade, apparently did not expeditiously enough make it available to developers. One of my favorite applications for a number of years is Viigo.-Viigo is a great, customizable app for keeping up with news. For those of you that don't know, RIM bought Viigo earlier this year and in spite of that had no Viigo app ready for their new OS.-I think that says it all! It's no secret RIM is a small company, but I think it's long overdue for them to step up hiring if they intend to be a player in the big money smart phone business.
Foe now, don't buy a Torch. If you do, I can almost guarantee, you too will be returning it.
Rumor has it the Torch was in development for three years, which impacts the fact that the phone is so bad, much, much more. It's been no secret that OS 6 has been in development for several years. Since that's the case, why would RIM release it with more bugs than the first generation iPhone?!-This phone had the potential to be great, but instead it's guaranteed to frustrate you more and more with each passing day. Not fixed are the persistent tower switching issues that started with the introduction of the 3G Bold. This was the first incredibly annoying problem that caused me to switch phone loyalties in the first place. In layman's terms the phone can't make up its mind whether it wants to grab hold of a 3G cell or an EDGE cell, thus causing dropped calls for the consumer.-The iPhone at one point had this problem, but was fixed with one brief software update.-No such luck with the Torch.-Several years later and this simple problem of telling the phone which type of tower to prefer is still not fixed.-What a load of crap!
With each passing day the phone seemed to become slower and slower, with more faults being revealed. Every time I took the phone out of standby it would take as long as five seconds for me to be able to navigate to where I wanted to go. It was as if the phone locked up. I began to find myself powering the phone off and on more often, and even taking the battery out to try and fix the problem. To no avail, my hopes of once again becoming a loyal Blackberry user were not meant to be. I'm appalled and offended that RIM and AT&T would think for a second that this phone, with all it's giant flaws and imperfections, would fool anybody! Common sense would dictate that if the software your using is so archaic that it's not capable of evolving to where it needs be in the future you might consider finding a new software platform to operate your phone.-Android comes to mind.-It's not quite there yet, but in a year or so it will be.
The last issue I'm going to discuss, the one that really burns me up, is the fact that RIM, knowing they were coming out with a major software upgrade, apparently did not expeditiously enough make it available to developers. One of my favorite applications for a number of years is Viigo.-Viigo is a great, customizable app for keeping up with news. For those of you that don't know, RIM bought Viigo earlier this year and in spite of that had no Viigo app ready for their new OS.-I think that says it all! It's no secret RIM is a small company, but I think it's long overdue for them to step up hiring if they intend to be a player in the big money smart phone business.
Foe now, don't buy a Torch. If you do, I can almost guarantee, you too will be returning it.
Monday, August 23, 2010
My Roatan
Getting There
My only choice for direct travel to Roatan is Continental Airlines. Continental was one of the first airlines to believe in the future of Roatan and the first major U.S. based airline to fly non-stop there. I've flown other airlines and taken other routes, but I always come back to my friends at Continental. Not only are their planes the newest but their entire staff understands the true meaning of customer service. You may also reach Roatan via Delta Airlines out of Atlanta or New York and American via Miami. You may also fly Continental via San Pedro Sula, Honduras. There you connect to a usually non-air conditioned twin engine puddle jumper and Roatan will be the second stop. The tickets are substantially cheaper, but for some it will be a real nail biter.
Where to Stay
Compared to the ease of my air travel decision, lodging takes a bit more thought. With no American flagships yet to take up residence on the island, cost and quality are all over the map. For the die hard diver there's Anthony's Key, or Fantasy Island and for the luxury traveler theirs Infinity Bay. Anthony's Key is one of the oldest resort on the island and is geared towards the die hard diver. Fantasy Island, also one of the oldest resorts on the island is in much need of a facelift, but die hard divers love it. Infinity Bay on the other hand, is the finest, newest resort destination that lies on the
Renting a Car
Should you decide to rent a car while on the island, Coral Rent a Car is my only choice. Ive tried almost all of them over the last four years and these guys definitively know how to take care of business. While most all of the rental agencies on the island put a pre-authorization hold that may be up to 5 times of your total estimated rental charges. Coral typically only takes up $500 of your credit line. This type of customer service comes in extremely handy when your trying to travel on a budget. Coral is extremely conscientious of your vacation schedule and offers both pickup and delivery service to your desired location. Local: 8800.8801 or 9643.8178
Eats and Drinks
Dining choices on the island are many, and you will find multiple restaurants that have similar menus. Vintage Pearl, tucked away in the center of West Bay Beach is the only true fine dining restaurant on the island. Offering a prix fixed menu that includes three courses, averaging between $35 to $40 depending on your entree, Vintage Pearl is a must try dining experience. This little restaurant offers discip
Diving and Snorkeling
Championship Golf
For t
he die hard golfer who'd like a course with never ending beauty, the Pete Dye designed, Black Pearl at Pristine Bay Resort not only offers one of a kind home sights, and top notch privacy, but a course that's sure to challenge the most skilled golfer. The master planned Pristine Bay sits on 405 pristine acres. The views will take your breath away. Under construction, a beautiful boutique five star hotel, and spa. With approximately 50 acres of forest area, Pristine Bay's eco-reserve is a sanctuary to natures most beautiful flora and fauna. As their website states, Pristine Bay really does captures the essence of Roatan. Chief Operations Officer Luis Toriello and his team have once again outdone themselves. Please feel free to contact me directly if you'd like more information on Pristine Bay.
Real Estate
Roatan has many
incredible options available when it comes to real estate investment. Whether your looking for raw land, condominiums, houses, or lots to build on, Roatan's real estate market has something for everyone. The real estate investment opportunities there are what first brought me to the island. With a 4% cap on capital gains and title insurance from American based companies, buying property here makes sense. Quite simply, you can't go wrong buying property on a beautiful island.-Do yourself a favor though and spend enough time on the island to get the information your going to need to make a wise purchase. Educating yourself leaves a lot less room for bad decision making.-Don't sign on with the first real estate agent you meet and make sure you use an attorney that more than one person deems reputable. In general, my experience has been that a reputable real estate companies on the island will be able to offer you all the services you'll need to handle your current and long term real estate needs. Those services will include helping you with incorporation if need be, paying your annual property taxes and even keeping and eye on your property if your an absentee owner. -Feel free to contact me directly and I'll be happy to let you know who I trusted when I bought my property.
Final Thoughts...
Roatan might not be for everyone. I say this because of the many high maintenance travelers I know that would expect a Grand Cayman type experience. In many ways The Bay Islands are in their infancy as far as development goes. There are no Kirk Freeports on Roatan.-No Rolex watches for sale and no deals on fine china. On Roatan you'll have to be satisfied with small, locally owned gift shops and independently owned restaurants. If your one of those people that can't sit still long enough to appreciate the incredible beauty that surrounds you, then Roatan might not be for you.-Although fast paced change is inevitable, for myself and those like minded, we hope the allure of the islands never changes. The vibe one gets almost immediately when visiting Roatan for the first time is one of raw, untouched, majestic beauty that projects a feeling of instant relaxation and tranquility. The Bay Islands in my opinion, have character that is unmatched as far as idyllic Caribbean destinations go. Make the decision to fly to Roatan. I'm betting like me, you'll return time and time again.
For t
Real Estate
Roatan has many
Final Thoughts...
Roatan might not be for everyone. I say this because of the many high maintenance travelers I know that would expect a Grand Cayman type experience. In many ways The Bay Islands are in their infancy as far as development goes. There are no Kirk Freeports on Roatan.-No Rolex watches for sale and no deals on fine china. On Roatan you'll have to be satisfied with small, locally owned gift shops and independently owned restaurants. If your one of those people that can't sit still long enough to appreciate the incredible beauty that surrounds you, then Roatan might not be for you.-Although fast paced change is inevitable, for myself and those like minded, we hope the allure of the islands never changes. The vibe one gets almost immediately when visiting Roatan for the first time is one of raw, untouched, majestic beauty that projects a feeling of instant relaxation and tranquility. The Bay Islands in my opinion, have character that is unmatched as far as idyllic Caribbean destinations go. Make the decision to fly to Roatan. I'm betting like me, you'll return time and time again.
**I do not work for any of the businesses or Continental Airlines that I've talked about above, nor am I receiving any type of compensation.-My comments are based on my own personal experiences and will hopefully make your trip to Roatan more enjoyable.
All photos were taken by Thomas Leath
Continental Airlines,
Foster's West End,
Infinity Bay,
Pete Dye,
Pristine Bay,
Roatan Dining,
Scuba Diving,
The Deck Cafe Roatan,
Vintage Pearl
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
AT&T Iphone 4 Mayhem
You might think that after three previous iPhone launches AT&T would have streamlined their online ordering system so that it could handle massive amounts of traffic. Well, guess what? The iPhone 4 pre-launch is filled with just as much mayhem and confusion as launch one was. Perhaps even More.
Within minutes of adding the iPhone 4 to its online store this morning, AT&T's website slowed to a crawl. Within an hour you could forget about pre-ordering your iPhone 4. The system load was so bad that it brought their entire system to a standstill. Within their retail stores the overload was so bad that it crippled their operating system and left them unable to assist customers. Forget ordering an iPhone 4, store representatives could not even open new accounts for non iPhone loyalists. A source told me that by noon a company wide email had bent sent out instructing stores to immediately STOP taking iPhone 4 orders. Are you kidding me?!
I've been an AT&T customer for many years, so let's cut to the chase. There is absolutely no excuse for the powers at be at AT&T to be so incredibly unprepared for the launch of the fourth iPhone. This is not their first rodeo! They have had years to reprise, revamp, upgrade, check and re-check their systems to make sure the chaos and mayhem that ensued today never happened. Today, AT&T screwed the pooch, big time! They brought business in their stores to a standstill, and the very online systems that should have been in place to ease the burden of the retail stores, failed. The result in my opinion should be considered a catastrophic failure of organization and planning and should result in numerous forced job losses at the highest levels. There is no discernible excuse for this, to say the least, system implosion. They have cost themselves many sales today and have endeared themselves no one, least of all the loyal customers that have been putting up with their repeated failures and shortcomings for years and years.
Well, long story short, they just don't get it. The boneheads in upper management at AT&T clearly do not know the first thing about customer service or the incompetency in which "WE" the customer view many of their operational decisions. They must become intimately familiar and learn what the term 'Customer Loyalty" means. The iPhone will forever not be their meal ticket. When that day comes and Apple is loyal no more, AT&T may possibly drop to the lowest customer retention rate of all U.S. wireless carriers. For that, they will have only themselves to blame.
Within minutes of adding the iPhone 4 to its online store this morning, AT&T's website slowed to a crawl. Within an hour you could forget about pre-ordering your iPhone 4. The system load was so bad that it brought their entire system to a standstill. Within their retail stores the overload was so bad that it crippled their operating system and left them unable to assist customers. Forget ordering an iPhone 4, store representatives could not even open new accounts for non iPhone loyalists. A source told me that by noon a company wide email had bent sent out instructing stores to immediately STOP taking iPhone 4 orders. Are you kidding me?!
I've been an AT&T customer for many years, so let's cut to the chase. There is absolutely no excuse for the powers at be at AT&T to be so incredibly unprepared for the launch of the fourth iPhone. This is not their first rodeo! They have had years to reprise, revamp, upgrade, check and re-check their systems to make sure the chaos and mayhem that ensued today never happened. Today, AT&T screwed the pooch, big time! They brought business in their stores to a standstill, and the very online systems that should have been in place to ease the burden of the retail stores, failed. The result in my opinion should be considered a catastrophic failure of organization and planning and should result in numerous forced job losses at the highest levels. There is no discernible excuse for this, to say the least, system implosion. They have cost themselves many sales today and have endeared themselves no one, least of all the loyal customers that have been putting up with their repeated failures and shortcomings for years and years.
Well, long story short, they just don't get it. The boneheads in upper management at AT&T clearly do not know the first thing about customer service or the incompetency in which "WE" the customer view many of their operational decisions. They must become intimately familiar and learn what the term 'Customer Loyalty" means. The iPhone will forever not be their meal ticket. When that day comes and Apple is loyal no more, AT&T may possibly drop to the lowest customer retention rate of all U.S. wireless carriers. For that, they will have only themselves to blame.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Health Care Reform NO Matter What
The quest and planning of extreme health care reform by the democrats has now been in full force since long before President Obama took office. Through one misstep after another, no matter what the cost to America, the democratic party is determined to force through dramatic reform that somehow keeps in line with their legislative agenda. The President has made it clear that he will use a process called reconciliation, if need be. Although republicans used reconciliation numerous times over the last decade, this will be the first time a president has used the rule to enact such a massive program that has created so much divisiveness throughout our country.
Most Americans agree that our health care system has numerous issues that need to be addressed. We have problems and shortcomings going back decades that need to be refined, fixed, modernized, or done away with all together. We desperately need to fix our broken, often unfair and sometimes discriminatory health care system. Sadly, the democrats unrelenting, arrogant approach is going to get them much less than they could have, had they just been willing to put first things first. That would have meant putting America first and staying focused on real economic growth, something the democrats up to now have not been willing to do.
Let's try and put this absolute debacle created by the democratic party in perspective. In 2008, then candidate Obama promised to be a leader, a uniter, not one to stand back and let others do his bidding for him. Today, the facts are that he has done the polar opposite of this, since being elected. He has allowed Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to have a free-for-all when it's come to HIS legislative policy initiatives. Their hubris has created political divisiveness that may very well cost the president a great majority of his legislative agenda and re-election in 2012. Again, as previously stated in my blog of January 18th, by allowing Pelosi and Reid to be his unbridled mouthpiece, the president has lost much of the respect he worked so hard to get.
Can you see where I'm headed here? It's arguable that the president's stimulus package has not worked, our economy is in shambles. Well over 50 million Americans are not collecting a paycheck and Americans continue to lose their jobs. We are headed for another round of mortgage defaults. Small business owners are not able to get loans to save their businesses despite the president's continued assurances that funds are available. The meager tax breaks the democrats are offering will not be enough to spur hiring that leads to long term job creation. We have yet to acknowledge the upcoming crisis in the commercial loan sector that has the potential to dwarf residential loan failures by trillions of dollars. Additionally, we have yet to deal with the reality that more than 500 banks could possibly fail this year.
In spite of all the economic issues we are currently dealing with and the eminent ones yet to be dealt with, the democratic party is determined to put health care reform above lasting economic reform, with careless disregard. They do this being well aware that they are prolonging real economic recovery and in the process jeopardizing their own political futures. This makes no sense politically and there's nothing whatsoever commonsensical about it. I would equate this line of thinking to walking off a cliff without being pushed. It's political suicide.
Many of my friends that lean left believe if the democrats don't pass something, their losses in November will be far worse. I personally believe either way they are damned if they do, damned if they don't. They have only themselves to blame for this. The American people fully expected and believed they elected a president who would put them first, put jobs first. As I've stated many times before, the man voted for and the man as president have turned out to be two entirely different people. Quite sinply, Barack Obama was the biggest marketing fraud perpetrated on the American people in presidential campaign history. Show me I'm wrong, please...
Most Americans agree that our health care system has numerous issues that need to be addressed. We have problems and shortcomings going back decades that need to be refined, fixed, modernized, or done away with all together. We desperately need to fix our broken, often unfair and sometimes discriminatory health care system. Sadly, the democrats unrelenting, arrogant approach is going to get them much less than they could have, had they just been willing to put first things first. That would have meant putting America first and staying focused on real economic growth, something the democrats up to now have not been willing to do.
Let's try and put this absolute debacle created by the democratic party in perspective. In 2008, then candidate Obama promised to be a leader, a uniter, not one to stand back and let others do his bidding for him. Today, the facts are that he has done the polar opposite of this, since being elected. He has allowed Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to have a free-for-all when it's come to HIS legislative policy initiatives. Their hubris has created political divisiveness that may very well cost the president a great majority of his legislative agenda and re-election in 2012. Again, as previously stated in my blog of January 18th, by allowing Pelosi and Reid to be his unbridled mouthpiece, the president has lost much of the respect he worked so hard to get.
Can you see where I'm headed here? It's arguable that the president's stimulus package has not worked, our economy is in shambles. Well over 50 million Americans are not collecting a paycheck and Americans continue to lose their jobs. We are headed for another round of mortgage defaults. Small business owners are not able to get loans to save their businesses despite the president's continued assurances that funds are available. The meager tax breaks the democrats are offering will not be enough to spur hiring that leads to long term job creation. We have yet to acknowledge the upcoming crisis in the commercial loan sector that has the potential to dwarf residential loan failures by trillions of dollars. Additionally, we have yet to deal with the reality that more than 500 banks could possibly fail this year.
In spite of all the economic issues we are currently dealing with and the eminent ones yet to be dealt with, the democratic party is determined to put health care reform above lasting economic reform, with careless disregard. They do this being well aware that they are prolonging real economic recovery and in the process jeopardizing their own political futures. This makes no sense politically and there's nothing whatsoever commonsensical about it. I would equate this line of thinking to walking off a cliff without being pushed. It's political suicide.
Many of my friends that lean left believe if the democrats don't pass something, their losses in November will be far worse. I personally believe either way they are damned if they do, damned if they don't. They have only themselves to blame for this. The American people fully expected and believed they elected a president who would put them first, put jobs first. As I've stated many times before, the man voted for and the man as president have turned out to be two entirely different people. Quite sinply, Barack Obama was the biggest marketing fraud perpetrated on the American people in presidential campaign history. Show me I'm wrong, please...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
That Love Thing
What the heck is love? It seems to be different for all of us. Wars have been fought over it and empires lost because of it. For me it was much different at 21 than it was at 40. Most everything I thought love was at 16 was much different at 26 and so on. People love each other for different, sometimes inexplicable reasons. Sometimes for all the wrong reasons.
At 42, single and never married, my parameters for a possible mate are night and day from what they were 20 years ago. Did I in my wildest dreams think I'd be single at 42? In a word, NO. I could have certainly married the wrong person, more than once. That's easy. I've seen my friends do it over and over again. Nope, I'm resound to the fact that marriage is in God's time not my time. This approach takes a great deal of the pressure off and really keeps me from wondering if my singleness is definite.
I would have to say that I enjoyed love much more at 40 than I did at 21. Why is that you might ask? Well, first of all I was a train wreck at 21. I wasn't even close to being ready to settle down then, much less in the financial position to take care of a wife. Heck, I'd a screwed up a one car funeral at 21! My concept of love was all out of whack too. Physical appearance often took precedence over personality, unless cup size was considered personality! I was self centered and it was all about me, and then some!
Don't get me wrong, love isn't necessarily easier at 40. It's tough at any age, and it never gets any easier along the way. The older we get the more baggage we sometimes accumulate and this in itself can rip a relationship to shreds. Being hurt never gets easier to deal with either. If it does I'd suggest you spend some time with a good counselor. It can get real old pulling around a steamer trunk full of baggage. It's very tiresome too! None of us are so perfect we couldn't use a little therapy from time to time. A little brain overhaul is sometimes just what the body needs. You see, I learned a long time ago that if my heart isn't emotionally available, the most amazing woman in the world could set down right in front of me and she'd look no different than any other woman. That's a bad place to be.
It's no secret to my close friends that I come from a very dysfunctional family. We fooled a lot of people for a lot of years, but sooner or later it all fell apart. That's just life, unless your willing to do what it takes to break that cycle. That's when one decides to get real and feel your feelings. For many men this can be the hardest thing they ever attempt to do. It's a real gut check. Many of the most financially successful men I know have yet to learn how to feel their feelings and be emotionally available for their wives. I'm here to tell you guys, there is nothing wrong with a man having a tender heart. You are not less of a man, or somehow weak. Don't get me wrong, it's not always easy being a masculine man and having a tender heart. It requires knowing your inner self, inner child, and not having fear when it comes to letting a woman know who you are. You can only mask who you are for so long. Your only long term choice in having a successful love relationship is to keep it real. She will find out who the real you is sooner or later.
The Christian Bible says some really good things about love. Over the years those words have become much more of a barometer in my love life. The Bible says that a man and a woman are better together. For me that says that a whole is better than a half. Two halves make a whole. We are better together. The Bible also says love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, is not proud. It is not rude, and not easily angered. And one of the most important things for me is that love keeps no record of wrongs. Love always protects, always trusts, hopes, and perseveres. Love never fails. In short, Love is a lot to live up to.
We've all had friends that have been in love like 47 times. The wind blows a certain way and they're in love. That's not love. I think this boils down to liking the concept of love, and having to have it, but never really knowing what it is. For some people it's due to issues not dealt with in ones life. Love becomes a way to postpone the locked up pain a person is inevitably going to have to deal with one day, one way or another. This type of pattern only serves as a way to avoid dealing with unresolved issues in your own heart. Sadly, the pain will force you to deal with these issues sooner or later. Money and fame are two other factors that can help you put it on the back burner for many years, but one day you will wake up and wonder just how much you've missed out on, realize how much of life you've let pass you by.
I'm far from having all the answers, but I love to get philosophical about love. Because when it's right, for all the right reasons, and all the stars are in alignment, there is nothing better than love. It brings a type of joy to my life that is more special than I can imagine. And for some of us that were robbed of our joy during much of our childhood, it's all the more special.
Myself, I've only been in love a handful of times. The last time was several years ago. I thought without question she was the one. Sadly, I think timing and circumstance were less than perfect and put us quite a bit behind the eight ball. That timing thing will get you every time if your not careful. This aside, she was such a blessing to my life. When I was with her it seemed like time stopped. She could walk in the room and I'd light up like a Christmas tree. I was a better person with her in my life. She reminded me of what's most important in this world.-We were better together.
For most couples love is constantly changing as time goes by. My mother told me a number of years ago that after many years of marriage not to expect to have that crazy romantic love you feel for one another early on in a love relationship. I've always thought what a shame that would be. At the same time age has taught me the importance of a strong friendship when your in love. There has got to be a connection between two people that connects their hearts in a way that is timeless. It's fairly clear to me that this is one of the only things that will get you through the tough times. Couples use sex, money, other people to try and keep love alive. Sure, those types of things will work for a while, but you are only fooling yourself. They will not keep you together.
When its right, what's better than love? Is there any feeling in life that can take the place of the joy in your heart that genuine love brings? I don't think so. As convoluted as people sometimes let love become, when our mind, body and spirit are unencumbered and our hearts are emotionally available, there truly is nothing more amazing than being able to say, I Love You.
At 42, single and never married, my parameters for a possible mate are night and day from what they were 20 years ago. Did I in my wildest dreams think I'd be single at 42? In a word, NO. I could have certainly married the wrong person, more than once. That's easy. I've seen my friends do it over and over again. Nope, I'm resound to the fact that marriage is in God's time not my time. This approach takes a great deal of the pressure off and really keeps me from wondering if my singleness is definite.
I would have to say that I enjoyed love much more at 40 than I did at 21. Why is that you might ask? Well, first of all I was a train wreck at 21. I wasn't even close to being ready to settle down then, much less in the financial position to take care of a wife. Heck, I'd a screwed up a one car funeral at 21! My concept of love was all out of whack too. Physical appearance often took precedence over personality, unless cup size was considered personality! I was self centered and it was all about me, and then some!
Don't get me wrong, love isn't necessarily easier at 40. It's tough at any age, and it never gets any easier along the way. The older we get the more baggage we sometimes accumulate and this in itself can rip a relationship to shreds. Being hurt never gets easier to deal with either. If it does I'd suggest you spend some time with a good counselor. It can get real old pulling around a steamer trunk full of baggage. It's very tiresome too! None of us are so perfect we couldn't use a little therapy from time to time. A little brain overhaul is sometimes just what the body needs. You see, I learned a long time ago that if my heart isn't emotionally available, the most amazing woman in the world could set down right in front of me and she'd look no different than any other woman. That's a bad place to be.
It's no secret to my close friends that I come from a very dysfunctional family. We fooled a lot of people for a lot of years, but sooner or later it all fell apart. That's just life, unless your willing to do what it takes to break that cycle. That's when one decides to get real and feel your feelings. For many men this can be the hardest thing they ever attempt to do. It's a real gut check. Many of the most financially successful men I know have yet to learn how to feel their feelings and be emotionally available for their wives. I'm here to tell you guys, there is nothing wrong with a man having a tender heart. You are not less of a man, or somehow weak. Don't get me wrong, it's not always easy being a masculine man and having a tender heart. It requires knowing your inner self, inner child, and not having fear when it comes to letting a woman know who you are. You can only mask who you are for so long. Your only long term choice in having a successful love relationship is to keep it real. She will find out who the real you is sooner or later.
The Christian Bible says some really good things about love. Over the years those words have become much more of a barometer in my love life. The Bible says that a man and a woman are better together. For me that says that a whole is better than a half. Two halves make a whole. We are better together. The Bible also says love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, is not proud. It is not rude, and not easily angered. And one of the most important things for me is that love keeps no record of wrongs. Love always protects, always trusts, hopes, and perseveres. Love never fails. In short, Love is a lot to live up to.
We've all had friends that have been in love like 47 times. The wind blows a certain way and they're in love. That's not love. I think this boils down to liking the concept of love, and having to have it, but never really knowing what it is. For some people it's due to issues not dealt with in ones life. Love becomes a way to postpone the locked up pain a person is inevitably going to have to deal with one day, one way or another. This type of pattern only serves as a way to avoid dealing with unresolved issues in your own heart. Sadly, the pain will force you to deal with these issues sooner or later. Money and fame are two other factors that can help you put it on the back burner for many years, but one day you will wake up and wonder just how much you've missed out on, realize how much of life you've let pass you by.
I'm far from having all the answers, but I love to get philosophical about love. Because when it's right, for all the right reasons, and all the stars are in alignment, there is nothing better than love. It brings a type of joy to my life that is more special than I can imagine. And for some of us that were robbed of our joy during much of our childhood, it's all the more special.
Myself, I've only been in love a handful of times. The last time was several years ago. I thought without question she was the one. Sadly, I think timing and circumstance were less than perfect and put us quite a bit behind the eight ball. That timing thing will get you every time if your not careful. This aside, she was such a blessing to my life. When I was with her it seemed like time stopped. She could walk in the room and I'd light up like a Christmas tree. I was a better person with her in my life. She reminded me of what's most important in this world.-We were better together.
For most couples love is constantly changing as time goes by. My mother told me a number of years ago that after many years of marriage not to expect to have that crazy romantic love you feel for one another early on in a love relationship. I've always thought what a shame that would be. At the same time age has taught me the importance of a strong friendship when your in love. There has got to be a connection between two people that connects their hearts in a way that is timeless. It's fairly clear to me that this is one of the only things that will get you through the tough times. Couples use sex, money, other people to try and keep love alive. Sure, those types of things will work for a while, but you are only fooling yourself. They will not keep you together.
When its right, what's better than love? Is there any feeling in life that can take the place of the joy in your heart that genuine love brings? I don't think so. As convoluted as people sometimes let love become, when our mind, body and spirit are unencumbered and our hearts are emotionally available, there truly is nothing more amazing than being able to say, I Love You.
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Self Destruction of a Mandate
During the presidential campaign of 2008 one of then candidate Obama’s biggest mandates was health care reform. Today, on the one-year anniversary of his presidency it threatens to all but destroy his credibility and his political agenda. The greatest marketing of a political candidate in history has left him unable to measure up to the image created. The hope and change mandate that took him to the White House, a central theme of his campaign has been redefined as: Is this the hope and change you were looking for?
In modern political history I cannot remember a time where democrats and republicans have been so polarized.-A time when their disdain for one another took precedence over the greater good for America.-A time when one party was willing to push their own agenda NO matter the cost or damage they would bring to their political future.
We as Americans are not against reforming the health care system. We are against the back room deals and underhanded dealings that have led to health care reform being maliciously shoved down our throats. We are frustrated by a President that has let his minions, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid run amuck with arrogance and disdain, far from what the American people expect from their elected public servants.
Our nation’s economy is by far the most pressing issue facing the American people today, not health care reform. With real unemployment estimates over 17%, foreclosures still at all time highs, and the threat of a commercial real estate collapse looming on the horizon, Americans are extremely resentful of this deception filled game the democratic party has decided to play.
I don’t know about you, but I’m fairly sure the cost benefit analysis for any reasonable democrat should have dictated some time ago that it’s time to change course. Our approach isn’t working comes to mind. Instead, the President agrees to special exemptions for union members, the House and Senate are trying to find a way to pass health care reform should Brown win in Massachusetts tomorrow. They’ll do this by convincing the house to accept the senate version or postpone as long as they can Brown being sworn in. Political suicide in my mind. Again, these are the same back door dealings that have led the democrats down the road to Brown on the verge of winning Kennedy’s cherished senate seat to begin with.
I firmly believe if the President would have taken the leadership role he should have, the democrats would be in a much stronger position going into the November elections. All he had to do is come out and tell the American people he was pulling the plug on health care reform. He’s pulling the plug because it’s too important to not get it right, and because there’s nothing more pressing in the foreseeable future than the economy. Had he of taken this sort of leadership position, I think the American people would have responded by lifting the President’s approval numbers 20 points over night. It would give him back much of his lost political capital. After all, he was elected to be a leader, not a follower.
Sadly, for all involved, this group of democrats does not understand what one of their own once said: There is no political liability in being honest. They will stay THEIR course. It will cost them Massachusetts and will be the beginning of the quickest modern day political reversal we’ve ever seen, to be followed by major losses in November. President Obama in all likelihood will reach lame duck status quicker than any president before him. Members of his own party will begin to distance themselves from him. The course of his presidency will be forever changed. Not quite the hope and change mandate that got him elected, and it certainly won't keep him in the White House.
In modern political history I cannot remember a time where democrats and republicans have been so polarized.-A time when their disdain for one another took precedence over the greater good for America.-A time when one party was willing to push their own agenda NO matter the cost or damage they would bring to their political future.
We as Americans are not against reforming the health care system. We are against the back room deals and underhanded dealings that have led to health care reform being maliciously shoved down our throats. We are frustrated by a President that has let his minions, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid run amuck with arrogance and disdain, far from what the American people expect from their elected public servants.
Our nation’s economy is by far the most pressing issue facing the American people today, not health care reform. With real unemployment estimates over 17%, foreclosures still at all time highs, and the threat of a commercial real estate collapse looming on the horizon, Americans are extremely resentful of this deception filled game the democratic party has decided to play.
I don’t know about you, but I’m fairly sure the cost benefit analysis for any reasonable democrat should have dictated some time ago that it’s time to change course. Our approach isn’t working comes to mind. Instead, the President agrees to special exemptions for union members, the House and Senate are trying to find a way to pass health care reform should Brown win in Massachusetts tomorrow. They’ll do this by convincing the house to accept the senate version or postpone as long as they can Brown being sworn in. Political suicide in my mind. Again, these are the same back door dealings that have led the democrats down the road to Brown on the verge of winning Kennedy’s cherished senate seat to begin with.
I firmly believe if the President would have taken the leadership role he should have, the democrats would be in a much stronger position going into the November elections. All he had to do is come out and tell the American people he was pulling the plug on health care reform. He’s pulling the plug because it’s too important to not get it right, and because there’s nothing more pressing in the foreseeable future than the economy. Had he of taken this sort of leadership position, I think the American people would have responded by lifting the President’s approval numbers 20 points over night. It would give him back much of his lost political capital. After all, he was elected to be a leader, not a follower.
Sadly, for all involved, this group of democrats does not understand what one of their own once said: There is no political liability in being honest. They will stay THEIR course. It will cost them Massachusetts and will be the beginning of the quickest modern day political reversal we’ve ever seen, to be followed by major losses in November. President Obama in all likelihood will reach lame duck status quicker than any president before him. Members of his own party will begin to distance themselves from him. The course of his presidency will be forever changed. Not quite the hope and change mandate that got him elected, and it certainly won't keep him in the White House.
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