Friday, September 17, 2010

Unbridled Arrogance

The Republican Party has at its feet, one of the biggest opportunities before them in modern day political history. In spite of themselves and numerous out of touch party leaders, and because of a Democratic party in absolute disarray, the Republican party is poised for a landslide come November.

The apathy, and I think, genuine disgust at status quo politics has the potential to hurt any politician this election cycle with a (D) in front of his name. It will make no difference how much pork you've brought home to your state or district, or how many hands you shake, or babies you kiss, you might as well start packing your bags and looking for that cushy lobbyist job, because come November, your gonna to be out of a job.

You see, in 2008 the American people voted for hope and change, or at least that's what they thought they were voting for. In 2010 they've come to realize they were conned.-The biggest marketing fraud in American presidential election history was perpetrated upon them when many voted for Barack Obama. Now, the jig is up. Say what you will, say what you want, but the facts are very clear. In spite of what he said, Obama has been nothing but a divider, not a uniter. He has allowed Nancy Pelosi and her weak hearted minions to rape and pillage the economic livelihood of Americans.- This man's solution to everything is to spend more money. More good money after bad. Behind every act this president and congress have taken has been an ulterior motive based on arrogance, self centeredness, and 100% pure unadulterated partisanship. In short, one failed plan after another. To date, I've heard of only one democratic member that has the political balls to ask Pelosi to step down. This is the weakest group of individuals I've seen serving in the House of Representative in my lifetime. My father, the late Congressman Marvin Leath is most certainly rolling over in his grave.-To not vote this woman down as speaker is unconscionable. She is the cancer at the core of what's wrong with our political system.

I do not speak these words loosely or callously, with biased disdain for the Democratic party. I speak these words to any member of congress or elected official who refuses to stand up and do what's right for America. We've been cooking the books in this nation for far too long. Now, the time has come to right our ship that is America. She's taking on massive amounts of water and without change of epic proportion, she will surely sink. We can no longer mortgage future generations with massive debt and uncontrollable spending. We can no longer be the worlds policeman and never ending bank account that keeps on giving without anything in return.

Change never comes easy. It takes a strong individual to not become consumed with the unrelenting arrogance and inside the beltway mentality present in so many politicians today. It takes a deep, passionate love for this nation that cannot be embraced or understood by many of today's elected officials. After all, that is why we call it "Public Service". We must elect individuals that are willing to serve and do not have the desire to be career politicians, but politicians who are willing to contribute to sound fiscal and social policy.- Leaders that are not bound by the strings of special interest, and above all are unwilling to compromise when it comes to the values set fourth by the founders and spelled out in the constitution.

The political game playing must be over. Our politicians can no longer play Russian roulette with the livelihoods of the American people. Not being 100% truthful is no longer an option.-Reciting nothing but your parties talking points is no longer an option.-If you don't have the intelligence on your own, to create an inkling of prophetic vision for where this nation needs to go, find a new job, because the American people are poised to terminate you from this one very soon.

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