Sunday, February 28, 2010

Health Care Reform NO Matter What

The quest and planning of extreme health care reform by the democrats has now been in full force since long before President Obama took office. Through one misstep after another, no matter what the cost to America, the democratic party is determined to force through dramatic reform that somehow keeps in line with their legislative agenda. The President has made it clear that he will use a process called reconciliation, if need be. Although republicans used reconciliation numerous times over the last decade, this will be the first time a president has used the rule to enact such a massive program that has created so much divisiveness throughout our country.

Most Americans agree that our health care system has numerous issues that need to be addressed. We have problems and shortcomings going back decades that need to be refined, fixed, modernized, or done away with all together. We desperately need to fix our broken, often unfair and sometimes discriminatory health care system. Sadly, the democrats unrelenting, arrogant approach is going to get them much less than they could have, had they just been willing to put first things first. That would have meant putting America first and staying focused on real economic growth, something the democrats up to now have not been willing to do.

Let's try and put this absolute debacle created by the democratic party in perspective. In 2008, then candidate Obama promised to be a leader, a uniter, not one to stand back and let others do his bidding for him. Today, the facts are that he has done the polar opposite of this, since being elected. He has allowed Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to have a free-for-all when it's come to HIS legislative policy initiatives. Their hubris has created political divisiveness that may very well cost the president a great majority of his legislative agenda and re-election in 2012. Again, as previously stated in my blog of January 18th, by allowing Pelosi and Reid to be his unbridled mouthpiece, the president has lost much of the respect he worked so hard to get.

Can you see where I'm headed here? It's arguable that the president's stimulus package has not worked, our economy is in shambles. Well over 50 million Americans are not collecting a paycheck and Americans continue to lose their jobs. We are headed for another round of mortgage defaults. Small business owners are not able to get loans to save their businesses despite the president's continued assurances that funds are available. The meager tax breaks the democrats are offering will not be enough to spur hiring that leads to long term job creation. We have yet to acknowledge the upcoming crisis in the commercial loan sector that has the potential to dwarf residential loan failures by trillions of dollars. Additionally, we have yet to deal with the reality that more than 500 banks could possibly fail this year.

In spite of all the economic issues we are currently dealing with and the eminent ones yet to be dealt with, the democratic party is determined to put health care reform above lasting economic reform, with careless disregard. They do this being well aware that they are prolonging real economic recovery and in the process jeopardizing their own political futures. This makes no sense politically and there's nothing whatsoever commonsensical about it. I would equate this line of thinking to walking off a cliff without being pushed. It's political suicide.

Many of my friends that lean left believe if the democrats don't pass something, their losses in November will be far worse. I personally believe either way they are damned if they do, damned if they don't. They have only themselves to blame for this. The American people fully expected and believed they elected a president who would put them first, put jobs first. As I've stated many times before, the man voted for and the man as president have turned out to be two entirely different people. Quite sinply, Barack Obama was the biggest marketing fraud perpetrated on the American people in presidential campaign history. Show me I'm wrong, please...

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