Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Politics 101 From Comic-Con

Every year around this time hundreds of thousands of loyal fans come together for America's largest Geek Fest, San Diego Comic-Con. It makes no difference whether your democrat or republican, conservative or liberal, loyal fans of all types come together to share their love of pop culture and everything it entails. Clearly the camaraderie that develops year after year is one of the many reasons for SDCC's continued growth and success.
In the spirit of Comic-Con it's time for our elected officials to put aside their partisan political differences and do what we elected them to do. They must find the will to work together and do what's best for the constituents they represent. I know, what a novel idea. The blame game must come to an end. It's time to retire the talking points, put differing ideologies aside, and work together to pull America out of what quite possibly may be the greatest pending economic collapse in history. 
We no longer have time for backbiting and infighting. We've cooked the books in this country for far too long and without making serious, difficult changes, we are destined to see tougher days ahead. We cannot spend our way into prosperity any more than we can tax our way there. Politicians must put aside their partisan differences and work together for the greater good of all of us. Clearly what they've been doing and continue to do is not working. They are more worried about getting re-elected than doing what's best for the country. We have reached an economic boiling point, and have no more room for divisiveness and political posturing. 
As a wise politician once told me, there is no political liability in being honest. It's time for the Americans we elected to represent us to stop pandering to special interest groups,  stop allowing campaign contributions to dictate their priorities, and more importantly, LEAD. A lot of politicians are followers these days and obviously that's not working out too well for any of us. As a wise Vulcan once said, we all deserve the opportunity to live long and prosper. If members of congress are unwilling to do what it takes to right our path, then please get the heck out of the way and let us vote for someone who can.

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