Tuesday, April 16, 2013

When Do We Stop Taking the High Road?

As I rushed home to watch the tragic events unfold in Boston, my inner being was filled with emotions that that felt familiar. It wasn't till I turned on the television, and goose bumps filled my body that I realized I hadn't felt those same feelings since September 11, 2001.

Yesterday, we were blatantly reminded of the fact that no matter whether internal or external, there are those who wish to do what they can to shatter what America stands for. The majority of them are sick individuals that do not share the values we possess or remotely identify with the freedoms we hold sacred, yet we as a nation have done a poor job of reminding anyone, much less ourselves of this. Those who seek to destroy us are becoming more and more aware that our moments of genuine unity are fewer and farther between, and our politicians spend most of their time ripping our nation apart at the seams.

Friends, we have seen this before, all to recent in our Nation's brief history. The scars of 911 should be be forever etched in the forefront of our minds, and the minds of those too young to remember. While our politicians briefly unified for the good of the country on that day, they quickly fell back into their oh so familiar ways of partisan bickering and divisiveness. To those who seek to destroy us, they are once again able to mock the unbecoming value we place on the threats they have yet to purvey, knowing that our vigilance will be short lived, and soon we will resume the internal turmoil that continues to destroy the very fabric of our founding.

Many have said today that the goodness that exists among us us will always conquer the few that seek to destroy us. While this may be true, the more we continue to divide ourselves, the more we allow our politicians to let politics to divide us, the sooner we again will face those fearless monsters that that will do what they can to use our own hypocrisy to divide us once again.

We must find a way to bypass our own chaos within that those who attacked us are so fervently ready to exploit. They see it, we all as Americans should see it, yet we continue to believe we can fool the world while we briefly join together to mourn the loss of our own. When terrorists do what they did yesterday, and attempt to destroy our existence, we must never hesitate, we must never waiver,  and we must always be consistent in our response when it comes to their demise.

While the good in this country far outweighs the bad, we cannot pretend that pure unadulterated evil does not exists in this world. It does exist and it will not be satisfied till we are destroyed. It's up to us all  as Americans to do what we can to make sure that never happens and to realize that there are times when we don't have to take the high road.

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