Thursday, September 8, 2011

What Obama Should Propose, but Won't

It doesn't take a rocket scientist or an economist to figure out that our hubris filled president is going to ask for billions more in spending tonight. You'd think by now he'd of figured out that we can't spend ourselves into job creation any more than we can spend ourselves out of a recession! There's no doubt in my mind that he's come up with another rob Peter to pay Paul scenario that will be less of a job creator than the near trillion dollar stimulus plan that was hobbled together a few months after he took office.

 It's not complicated Mr. President. We are in a worldwide economic recession like we've never seen in history. Your liberal ideology and labor union loving mindset will not create jobs. Your massive slashing of the defense budget will not create jobs. The American Jobs Act you are going to share with us tonight will in no way pull this economy back from the brink. A jobs bill that calls for hundreds of billions of dollars in new spending, no matter how you slice it up, will not right our fettered path. Desperate times call for bold, decisive, confidence building measures. This is a  concept you are most certainly not familiar with Mr. Obama, but you should surround yourself with those who are.

Tonight, you should offer to all but eliminate cumbersome payroll taxes over the next 12 to 24 months. You should put a freeze on capital gains taxes over the next two years. You should encourage confidence in business owners of all sizes by instituting a moratorium on the time frame companies are allowed to write off capital expenditures, decreasing this from many years to a few years. Furthermore you should lower the corporate tax rate to at least 20% and immediately initiate a bridge building effort to bring America's greatest companies corporate headquarters back home. We should be ashamed that many of them would rather be based out of a p.o. box in Ireland rather than America due to our overly excessive corporate tax rate. You must move to do away with job crushing regulations, many of which you initiated, that are stymying business growth to the brink of disaster. Last but not least Mr. President, you should also announce an across the board spending freeze for the next 36 to 48 months that applies to the federal government. It won't balance the budget, but it's a start. Every quarter we should re-evaluate these initiatives and make adjustment where needed.

Albert Einstein defined insanity by doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Again, I submit to you that we cannot spend our way into job creation any more than we can spend our way out of the dire economic straights we're in. We must, you must put special interest groups aside. You can in no way in good consciousness continue for example, to put the interests of labor unions above the greater good of We the People of the United States of America. These types of favoritism and cronyism must stop. We do not have the luxury, you do not have the luxury of continuing to play the blame game. We are all on the same boat, many of us hurting, starving for change and real, genuine leadership. Maybe, just maybe you haver it within you to bring us back from the brink. My heart tells me that you will go down by far, as the worst president in history. As I've said many times, you are without question the biggest marketing fraud perpetrated on the American people in Presidential campaign history. I doubt very seriously I will hearing any rhetoric from you tonight that changes my mind.

Good luck tonight Mr. President. Your gonna need it!