Getting There
My only choice for direct travel to Roatan is Continental Airlines. Continental was one of the first airlines to believe in the future of Roatan and the first major U.S. based airline to fly non-stop there. I've flown other airlines and taken other routes, but I always come back to my friends at Continental. Not only are their planes the newest but their entire staff understands the true meaning of customer service. You may also reach Roatan via Delta Airlines out of Atlanta or New York and American via Miami. You may also fly Continental via San Pedro Sula, Honduras. There you connect to a usually non-air conditioned twin engine puddle jumper and Roatan will be the second stop. The tickets are substantially cheaper, but for some it will be a real nail biter.
Where to Stay
Compared to the ease of my air travel decision, lodging takes a bit more thought. With no American flagships yet to take up residence on the island, cost and quality are all over the map. For the die hard diver there's Anthony's Key, or Fantasy Island and for the luxury traveler theirs Infinity Bay. Anthony's Key is one of the oldest resort on the island and is geared towards the die hard diver. Fantasy Island, also one of the oldest resorts on the island is in much need of a facelift, but die hard divers love it. Infinity Bay on the other hand, is the finest, newest resort destination that lies on the
Renting a Car
Should you decide to rent a car while on the island, Coral Rent a Car is my only choice. Ive tried almost all of them over the last four years and these guys definitively know how to take care of business. While most all of the rental agencies on the island put a pre-authorization hold that may be up to 5 times of your total estimated rental charges. Coral typically only takes up $500 of your credit line. This type of customer service comes in extremely handy when your trying to travel on a budget. Coral is extremely conscientious of your vacation schedule and offers both pickup and delivery service to your desired location. Local: 8800.8801 or 9643.8178
Eats and Drinks
Dining choices on the island are many, and you will find multiple restaurants that have similar menus. Vintage Pearl, tucked away in the center of West Bay Beach is the only true fine dining restaurant on the island. Offering a prix fixed menu that includes three courses, averaging between $35 to $40 depending on your entree, Vintage Pearl is a must try dining experience. This little restaurant offers discip
Diving and Snorkeling
Championship Golf
For t
he die hard golfer who'd like a course with never ending beauty, the Pete Dye designed, Black Pearl at Pristine Bay Resort not only offers one of a kind home sights, and top notch privacy, but a course that's sure to challenge the most skilled golfer. The master planned Pristine Bay sits on 405 pristine acres. The views will take your breath away. Under construction, a beautiful boutique five star hotel, and spa. With approximately 50 acres of forest area, Pristine Bay's eco-reserve is a sanctuary to natures most beautiful flora and fauna. As their website states, Pristine Bay really does captures the essence of Roatan. Chief Operations Officer Luis Toriello and his team have once again outdone themselves. Please feel free to contact me directly if you'd like more information on Pristine Bay.
Real Estate
Roatan has many
incredible options available when it comes to real estate investment. Whether your looking for raw land, condominiums, houses, or lots to build on, Roatan's real estate market has something for everyone. The real estate investment opportunities there are what first brought me to the island. With a 4% cap on capital gains and title insurance from American based companies, buying property here makes sense. Quite simply, you can't go wrong buying property on a beautiful island.-Do yourself a favor though and spend enough time on the island to get the information your going to need to make a wise purchase. Educating yourself leaves a lot less room for bad decision making.-Don't sign on with the first real estate agent you meet and make sure you use an attorney that more than one person deems reputable. In general, my experience has been that a reputable real estate companies on the island will be able to offer you all the services you'll need to handle your current and long term real estate needs. Those services will include helping you with incorporation if need be, paying your annual property taxes and even keeping and eye on your property if your an absentee owner. -Feel free to contact me directly and I'll be happy to let you know who I trusted when I bought my property.
Final Thoughts...
Roatan might not be for everyone. I say this because of the many high maintenance travelers I know that would expect a Grand Cayman type experience. In many ways The Bay Islands are in their infancy as far as development goes. There are no Kirk Freeports on Roatan.-No Rolex watches for sale and no deals on fine china. On Roatan you'll have to be satisfied with small, locally owned gift shops and independently owned restaurants. If your one of those people that can't sit still long enough to appreciate the incredible beauty that surrounds you, then Roatan might not be for you.-Although fast paced change is inevitable, for myself and those like minded, we hope the allure of the islands never changes. The vibe one gets almost immediately when visiting Roatan for the first time is one of raw, untouched, majestic beauty that projects a feeling of instant relaxation and tranquility. The Bay Islands in my opinion, have character that is unmatched as far as idyllic Caribbean destinations go. Make the decision to fly to Roatan. I'm betting like me, you'll return time and time again.
For t
Real Estate
Roatan has many
Final Thoughts...
Roatan might not be for everyone. I say this because of the many high maintenance travelers I know that would expect a Grand Cayman type experience. In many ways The Bay Islands are in their infancy as far as development goes. There are no Kirk Freeports on Roatan.-No Rolex watches for sale and no deals on fine china. On Roatan you'll have to be satisfied with small, locally owned gift shops and independently owned restaurants. If your one of those people that can't sit still long enough to appreciate the incredible beauty that surrounds you, then Roatan might not be for you.-Although fast paced change is inevitable, for myself and those like minded, we hope the allure of the islands never changes. The vibe one gets almost immediately when visiting Roatan for the first time is one of raw, untouched, majestic beauty that projects a feeling of instant relaxation and tranquility. The Bay Islands in my opinion, have character that is unmatched as far as idyllic Caribbean destinations go. Make the decision to fly to Roatan. I'm betting like me, you'll return time and time again.
**I do not work for any of the businesses or Continental Airlines that I've talked about above, nor am I receiving any type of compensation.-My comments are based on my own personal experiences and will hopefully make your trip to Roatan more enjoyable.
All photos were taken by Thomas Leath